# | Entity | Status | State |
1 | 39 934 991 171 The Trustee for The G & L Wall Superfund |
ABN Active | NSW 2483 |
2 | 56 782 257 663 The Trustee for THE WALL SUPERFUND |
ABN Active | VIC 3126 |
3 | 60 978 162 041 The Trustee for the Morabito Wall Lining Superfund No 2 |
ABN Active | NSW 2155 |
4 | 84 790 481 546 The Trustee for THE WALLS FAMILY SUPERFUND |
ABN Active | QLD 4503 |
5 | 17 719 827 500 The Trustee for Four Wall Superfund |
ABN Active | NSW 2074 |
6 | 25 153 375 101 The Trustee for B&M Wall Superfund |
ABN Active | NSW 2388 |
7 | 33 911 303 720 The Trustee for EMILY WALLS SUPERFUND |
ABN Cancelled | NSW 2120 |
8 | 38 721 129 085 The Trustee for EAST WALL CAPITAL SUPERFUND |
ABN Active | NSW 2515 |
9 | 40 821 123 788 The Trustee for Wall Family Superfund |
ABN Active | QLD 4564 |
10 | 49 246 529 933 The trustee for WALL TOLU SUPERFUND |
ABN Cancelled | VIC 3029 |
11 | 51 590 720 294 The Trustee for GJ & SM Wall Superfund |
ABN Active | WA 6302 |
12 | 74 758 500 838 The Trustee for AMANDA SUSAN WALLING SUPERFUND |
ABN Active | VIC 3072 |