# | Entity | Status | State |
1 | 13 367 006 434 MJA SUPERANNUATION FUND |
ABN Active | WA 6009 |
2 | 16 530 886 911 The trustee for MJA Super Fund |
ABN Cancelled | TAS 7306 |
3 | 19 535 520 788 The Trustee for The MJA Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | WA 6157 |
ABN Active | SA 5000 |
5 | 32 061 717 292 MJA SUPER FUND |
ABN Cancelled | SA 5000 |
6 | 35 949 133 143 The Trustee for Giuliano MJA Family Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | NSW 2007 |
7 | 40 250 442 263 The Trustee for MJA & KA Future Fund |
ABN Active | SA 5167 |
8 | 44 039 221 448 THE MJA SUPERANNUATION FUND |
ABN Active | NSW 2230 |
9 | 45 465 204 131 The Trustee for MJA Nasr Super Fund |
ABN Active | NSW 2153 |
10 | 87 944 730 097 The trustee for the MJA Super Benefit Superannuation Fund |
ABN Cancelled | SA 5000 |
11 | 88 369 642 711 The Trustee for MJA Endall Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | WA 6038 |
12 | 88 728 997 628 The Trustee for MJA Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | VIC 3058 |
13 | 91 575 284 174 MJA & BMA SUPERANNUATION FUND |
ABN Active | NSW 2084 |