# | Entity | Status | State |
1 | 17 459 612 834 The Trustee for BDS AU Superfund |
ABN Active | VIC 3083 |
2 | 22 338 480 062 The Trustee for BD Playa Superfund |
ABN Active | QLD 4053 |
3 | 26 616 649 577 The Trustee for BD & AM Kruger Superfund |
ABN Active | VIC 3808 |
4 | 35 420 285 152 The Trustee for BD Harris Superfund |
ABN Active | QLD 4888 |
5 | 45 537 408 060 The Trustee for BD HIJAZI SUPERFUND |
ABN Active | NSW 2211 |
6 | 51 401 166 734 The Trustee for DE SILVA BD Superfund |
ABN Active | VIC 3806 |
7 | 51 765 838 601 The Trustee for BD White Superfund |
ABN Active | NSW 2065 |
8 | 55 488 063 191 The Trustee for BD & PM Fell Superfund |
ABN Active | ACT 2612 |
9 | 70 727 384 071 The trustee for BD BROADBENT SUPERFUND |
ABN Active | SA 5158 |
10 | 76 868 595 464 The Trustee for BD & KL Foster Superfund |
ABN Active | WA 6056 |
11 | 91 400 599 023 BD & CM NEILSEN SUPERFUND |
ABN Cancelled | NSW 2571 |