Cistech Nominee Trust & Cowper Cistech Trust & Henderson Communications Trust & Knoledge Cistech Trust & Taytay Cistech Trust & Usoobus Cistech Trust & Watson Communications Trust ABN Report

Cistech Nominee Trust & Cowper Cistech Trust & Henderson Communications Trust & Knoledge Cistech Trust & Taytay Cistech Trust & Usoobus Cistech Trust & Watson Communications Trust (ABN 84 277 553 166) an Other Partnership with an address in New South Wales has had a cancelled ABN from Friday, 30th June 2006 and is not registered for GST.

84 277 553 166

ABN Cancelled from 30 June 2006

Not Registered for GST

Sydney, Parramatta, NSW, 2151

ABN Updated:
4 June 2007