J.A Azzopardi & S.M Harrison & P.J Nesbitt & Nish Street Medical Practice Pty Ltd & B.K Pillai & C.P Teh & The Trustee For The Nish Street Unit ABN Report

J.A Azzopardi & S.M Harrison & P.J Nesbitt & Nish Street Medical Practice Pty Ltd & B.K Pillai & C.P Teh & The Trustee For The Nish Street Unit (ABN 45 463 287 049) an Other Partnership with an address in Victoria has had a cancelled ABN from Tuesday, 1st October 2002 and is not registered for GST.

45 463 287 049

ABN Cancelled from 1 October 2002

Not Registered for GST

Northern Victoria, Bendigo, VIC, 3564

ABN Updated:
23 April 2003